We are already at the gates of August and the holidays are beginning to appear. Many of you will already have yours planned but many others are still reserving to take a trip at another time. For that reason, we would like to talk in this post about something different from what we normally get used to . We are going to share with you 3 destinations that we really like to travel in summer and who knows, maybe one of them will coincide with yours!

Menorca, Spain

It is one of the islands that has us in love. Spending a few relaxing days there is like feeling that you are part of Verano azul.

The coves are what impresses the most, they are small but their charm lies in their turquoise waters and their fine white sand... Who needs to go to the Caribbean when the Balearic Islands are so close? It is understandable because Menorca has many coves that are the most beautiful in the Mediterranean: Macarella, Macarelleta, Sa Turqueta, Es Talaier... are some of them.

Photo by: @hbgoodie

You can also find beaches with large, much more clayey sands (the sand takes on a beautiful red color) and if you like to snorkel, don't miss the opportunity to take a tube and goggles and dive through the seabed of Cala Pilar; Most of the northern part of the island has been declared a Northern Menorca Marine Reserve due to its variety of habitats.

Photo by: @hbgoodie

As for the visits to small towns that you can do, we recommend you go to Binibeca , a charming fishing village. The narrow alleys and the white houses will be the stars of your day (and of your photos). Another obligatory visit is to Ciudadela; there you should visit the Cathedral and the market, where they sell raw materials of the highest quality; Take the opportunity to sit in a small bar in the market square to have a coffee and see the atmosphere of the area.

Photo by: @hbgoodie

Chaouen, Morocco (the blue city)

Morocco is in fashion, and that is something we see every day thanks to the national Instagramers, but there is a specific destination that we fall in love with and that is rather unknown and this is... Chaouen! The city is located in the Rif Mountains, in the northwest area of ​​Morocco. What we love about this city is the color that floods its streets and the leather goods that you can find... Did you know that it has these colors to avoid the summer heat and scare away mosquitoes?

We are imagining ourselves right now, walking through the blue streets, when the sun goes down, when it starts to cool down at night and you need something to cover yourself with... With our pink VALENTINA dress (you can wear it as a frock coat with some jeans and a pair of converse), it would really stand out! And what a beautiful photo it would be, right?

The monuments located in the city are numerous and very interesting, such as the Kasbah, next to which is an ethnographic museum. But one of the most surprising places in this area is located precisely in the surroundings, about 30 km from the city: Akchour Chefchaouen, a fascinating natural park with pine forests, gorges and, above all, natural waterfalls of unusual beauty. It is perfect to cool you down on hot summer days.

Biarritz, France

One of the destinations that we recommend is Biarritz, a city located almost on the border with Spain (30 min/40 min from San Sebastián for us, the city of gastronomy par excellence). If you fancy spending a summer in the north, but getting to know a different culture and gastronomy, this summer city will be perfect for you.

Saint Sebastian

It is a city where luxury spas and restaurants come together with pizza stands and a surfer atmosphere , we love those contrasts! Through the streets you will be able to see mansions, bourgeois houses that will make you remember the years in which Eugenia de Montijo and Napoleon III spent the summer in their palace in Biarritz where those bourgeois attended summer parties.

Biarritz has 6km of beach and its fine white sand and its large amount of seaweed are characteristic and you will think: «Algae? I wouldn't want to bathe on that beach!" But it is that these algae are very beneficial for your skin because they contain Iodine that they add to the water. These properties that we are talking about are what have made Biarritz a city well known for its spas with healing effects.

A perfect plan is to combine a morning on the beach with a meal in the well-known Puerto de los Pescadores where you will find a wide range of fresh fish and seafood. Then visit the rock of the virgin, it is connected by a bridge that Napoleon III ordered to be built and from where you will have spectacular views of the city. The bridge is known as the Eiffel Bridge , receiving the name of the architect Gustave Eiffel, the same one who built the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Finally, take a walk along Rue du Port-Vieux, an area of ​​shops with artisan accessories (perhaps you can find the perfect one for one of our ALENIA dresses ) ideal. Ahhh! And don't forget to have a tea with macarons at Miremont Pâtisserie.

And here is today's post, we hope you liked our recommendations. Did you have these destinations in mind to travel in summer? Tell us in the comments or on our social networks!
A hug