It is normal for you to have doubts about the look you will wear at the next wedding. You want to be perfect but you don't know how to do to have everything under control. You already have the ideal dress, the shoes, the accessories and the idea for the hairstyle, but one detail is missing: the makeup .
We cannot forget this important aspect, since bad makeup could throw everything overboard. Think about the number of photos that you will surely take that day… We are sure that you will want to look great in all of them. It will be a unique and lifetime memory! So it's time to think about the colors that favor you and those that enhance your beauty, in order to be the (second) most beautiful at the wedding, with the bride's permission.
The most comfortable thing would be to go to the hairdresser so that they take care of both the hairstyle and the makeup, but if we do not want to spend that money, nothing happens. Next, we are going to give you some makeup tricks so that you look perfect. Aim!
- Our first advice is to prepare the skin in advance. Do not leave everything to the last moment, take advantage of a few days before the ceremony to do some facial cleaning or some moisturizing treatment. With clean and hydrated skin your makeup will look much more beautiful. (Think that you can do it at home by buying the mask that best suits your skin type)
Do not forget to use a primer with which to cover all imperfections, pimples, spots, etc. Also, it will help makeup last longer.
- Then we recommend that you choose light products for the base , with a luminous and long-lasting touch. Be careful what shade you choose! Look for one that is similar to yours to avoid the "mask" effect.
4. If you have taken risks with your dress and have chosen a rather explosive color, we advise you to opt for a more natural and simple makeup. On the other hand, if your outfit is more calm and sober, try other more intense shades, get inspired and risk a little more in the beauty look to give it a more striking touch. For example, we have chosen a more natural make-up to combine it with our green Donatella dress, which we show you below.
5. Finally, don't forget that emergency kit with the basics to touch up your makeup. You have to be cautious and know that surely at hours we will need it.
With these simple tricks you will shine almost as much as the bride!
Enjoy, have a great time and wear a radiant look.
A hug,