Hello again! We are here for another Tuesday, and this time we bring you an important topic that we want to share with you: SLOW FASHION. Have you ever heard it but don't quite know what it means? Then stay and see it!
We live in a society whose values support consumerism, capitalism and competitiveness. We buy continuously, it is never enough. Although one day we buy a garment that we love, soon the brands bring out more clothes and at a cheap price. We buy it and the process repeats itself, like a dead end loop.
Our competitive spirit makes us want to have more and more things than others, it teaches us to be better and therefore to want to have "the best ".
For a person living in a developed country, you can think of this as getting what you want, quickly, at a very affordable price, and in an almost unlimited way. This is what advertising and the media convey to us. And we can apply it to everything.
But let's focus on fashion: what is behind those dresses and pants that are "the best" and that "cost us nothing"?
Fortunately, the concept of sustainable fashion is beginning to appear .
The operating model of the production of garments in the establishments of the large franchises responds to a model in which the clothes are cheap, of low quality and have been made according to the trend of the moment, so when we buy them we know that we are not it will last a long time because it will soon “ go out of style ”, break or spoil.
What we do not know is what is behind these businesses. Do we wonder why we pay so little for clothes that should cost us more? No, because there is something that is currently given more value in society: money.
Preserving human rights, the well-being of people or nature in good condition are things of incalculable value and that is why we must fight to maintain and care for them.
Material, labor and transportation are the key elements. Therefore, if we are buying at a very cheap price, it is most likely that something is not being paid well. And, in most cases, the workforce comes from third world countries. Their salaries are low, they work in appalling conditions (in unhealthy, confined spaces and with endless working hours) and they usually do not have insurance to cover them in the event of an accident.
In addition, the relocation of companies encourages the loss of employment in developed countries and subsequent unfair competition with small local businesses, who in order to sell have to pay decent and secure wages to their workers, and the consequence of this is to increase the cost of garments.
If we also look for clothes that have been made with materials and through processes that are respectful of nature, the cost of clothing will also increase. But it will always be worth it if with that we have achieved that the people who work for that brand have been well paid and nature has not been harmed.
The reality is that we do not need as many things to live as the media would have us believe. We must change our attitude and prioritize quality over quantity.
We must buy durable garments , made with good materials and that their appearance allows them to be used for a long period of time, that have been made in small boutiques that respect human rights. That its manufacturing is sustainable and non-polluting and that it promotes the circular economy. These are the fundamental principles of slow fashion.
At Alenia we are aware of this and since the brand was born we have helped to promote this movement. Our garments are made 100% in Spain under sustainable manufacturing.
From here we want to create awareness, so remember: invest more, buy less.
You can learn a little more about our history and values in our ABOUT section of the web, we leave you the direct link:
And here the post today! We hope you liked it and have discovered a little more about the subject of slow fashion and what fast fashion means in today's society.
We also want to remind you that you have all the garments from the CARMEN COLLECTION on the web at a super discount, so if you want to get your favorite look for the coming season at a lower price... don't miss the opportunity!
See you in the next post.